As a mompreneur, you know how challenging it can be to balance your personal and professional goals. You have a vision of what you want to achieve, but sometimes life gets in the way and you lose sight of your priorities.
That’s why it’s important to make promises to yourself and stick to them. Promises are not just words, they are commitments that reflect your values and aspirations. They are the foundation of your success and happiness.
But how do you keep the promises you made to yourself? How do you stay motivated and focused when there are so many distractions and obstacles?
Here are some tips that can help you:
1. Write down your promises and review them regularly.
One of the best ways to keep your promises is to write them down and make them visible. Whether it’s a journal, a planner, a sticky note, or a digital app, find a way to record your promises and remind yourself of them every day.
Writing down your promises helps you clarify your intentions and goals. It also helps you track your progress and celebrate your achievements. Reviewing your promises regularly helps you stay accountable and inspired.
2. Break down your promises into manageable steps.
Sometimes, your promises may seem too big or too vague to accomplish. For example, you may promise yourself to grow your business, but what does that mean exactly? How will you measure your success? What actions will you take to make it happen?
To keep your promises, you need to break them down into smaller and more specific steps. For example, if you want to grow your business, you may set a goal to increase your revenue by 10% in the next quarter. Then, you may identify the strategies and tasks that will help you achieve that goal, such as launching a new product, expanding your network, or improving your marketing.
Breaking down your promises into manageable steps helps you create a realistic and actionable plan. It also helps you avoid overwhelm and procrastination.
3. Reward yourself for keeping your promises.
Keeping your promises is not easy. It requires discipline, dedication, and perseverance. That’s why you need to reward yourself for your efforts and accomplishments.
Rewards are not only a way to celebrate your success, but also a way to reinforce your positive behavior. They help you stay motivated and energized. They also help you appreciate yourself and your journey.
Rewards can be anything that makes you happy and proud, such as a treat, a compliment, a hobby, or a vacation. The key is to choose rewards that are meaningful and aligned with your promises. For example, if you promise yourself to exercise more, you may reward yourself with a new outfit or a massage.
4. Be flexible and forgiving with yourself.
Keeping your promises is not a linear or perfect process. There will be times when you may fall short of your expectations or face unexpected challenges. There will be times when you may feel discouraged or tempted to give up.
That’s why you need to be flexible and forgiving with yourself. Flexibility means that you can adapt to changing circumstances and adjust your promises accordingly. Forgiveness means that you can accept your mistakes and learn from them.
Being flexible and forgiving with yourself helps you overcome setbacks and maintain your confidence. It also helps you avoid guilt and resentment.
5. Remember why you made your promises in the first place.
The most powerful way to keep your promises is to remember why you made them in the first place. What is the purpose behind your promises? What are the benefits and outcomes of keeping them? How do they align with your values and vision?
Remembering why you made your promises helps you reconnect with your passion and motivation. It also helps you focus on the positive aspects of your journey and the future you are creating.
Remember, future you is depending on current you to keep the promises you made to yourself yesterday. So, don’t let yourself down. Keep your promises and make your dreams come true.